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The Best Way to Visit Hull - Nantasket

Pocket Guide

We have updated the Hull Guide and redrawn the files for the computer. The last time this Guide was printed was 1989. It was all hand-drawn and hand-lettered. It is now all digital and there are going to be a lot of other changes as well.


Much of Hull has changed... from accommodations to restaurants. The charm and eclectic nature are still here, and so is the waterfront.  If you would like to be a part of the NEW Hull Pocket Guide, give us a call, and we will help you get your business on the MAP.  It is much the same format as the Chatham Walking Guide. It's still folded to pocket size and will feature a handy way to get around Hull. We will be locating the Trolley stops, parking, ATM machines and much more. The Map side is a drawing of the buildings and a Directory on the flip side that features each business by Category, Business Name, Address, Phone, and 10 words of “COPY” to describe their unique offerings. 

Please download the order form pdf below and fill it in.

Once it is complete, you can upload the order form and any relevant artwork using the file upload box on this page.

All files will remain private and should be sent directly to our

Art Dept e-mail at:

Hull Guide COVER 2019 2.0.jpg
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